Village Trumpets Foundation Uganda

Together We Can Make A Difference

Are you thinking of volunteering abroad? Would you like to help those in need while seeing the world? Have you ever wanted to volunteer in Uganda? Uganda is a great country to volunteer and travel in. Here you can witness the Mountain gorilla tracking in the Bwindi Impenetrable National park , taking in unforgettable wildlife experiences in the country’s national parks and reserves while seeing endangered mountain gorillas , safari in Murchison falls, Queen Elizabeth National park gives you chance to come closer to nature like lion, buffalo, elephant, leopard, and rhino populations.

Chance To Learn

Though amazingly beautiful, Uganda is still a developing country, with the typical problems facing much of the third world. Poor economic diversity, lack of opportunity and education, along with rapid population growth, all conspire to keep half of the population living in poverty. Unfortunately, this affects poor communities, children, and women the most.

Today, many local organizations work to help poor communities and children desperately need volunteers more than ever.

There are many volunteer opportunities In Uganda for you to get involved with and make a difference through. You can teach in schools, serve in medical clinics, Rural Women looking to the Future awareness program. No matter what program you join, you will have the opportunity to share your passion, and change the lives of others while changing your own.

Are you interested in taking your life in new directions while helping those in need? Then request information about volunteering in Uganda by contacting Village Trumpets Foundation today!

At Village Trumpets Foundation, the volunteer program options available are endless- we co-operate with local schools and partner with several rural based projects like women groups, micro finance project, Batwa Cultural project. Hundreds of people in the world, we call upon your support volunteers. Ether in action groups, circles of friends or as schools, institutes tireless volunteer, keep on coming up with new ways to win others to our cause. We are great full to all of them. Become a volunteer from supporting our action on Climate change and reduction of carbon emissions in our country and motherland Uganda.

Volunteer work with children, you can spend time interacting with children and encouraging their social and emotional development. You can focus on music, recreation, conservation, health, arts, Empowerment or other special areas of talent you have and love working with children, this is the program for you.
Volunteer work at Women’s project, you can spend your time working with women at our development skills center, you are immersed in the culture of basket weaving which involves collection of the raw materials, learn how they die, dry and weave the beautiful African baskets. There are many options for this program that can resolve around your level of knowledge about businesses, finance and craft making

Teaching / Education volunteer work, work with our local teachers in your field of expertise to help students learn the skills and information they need to succeed. You will be working in one of the local schools, primary and skills development center.

Volunteer work at a construction / building project, focus on a building project based on your area of expertise, or work on one of the existing projects that needs an extra set of hands. This is a great opportunity to work with local adults and gives you the chance to truly see the impact you will leave behind. Passed volunteers have tried donating things to the community.

Social projects volunteer work, work in areas like sports program, music and arts in villages across Kanungu District and across the global. This program has many options and often times volunteers end up creating a custom project based on their own ideas, skills.

What is included?
The volunteering program in Uganda of Village Trumpets Foundation provides a unique deeper Cultural experience, you will have the opportunity to work with a Ugandan and international team and have the opportunity of creating your own projects. We Organize accommodation, airport pick up and an orientation briefing when they arrive in exchange of their commitment and service.

How many hours of work per day / week?
Work starts at 9am-4 pm, from Monday to Friday. Weekends are free of work to allow our participants to explore the beautiful country #Uganda.
Minimum/ total time commitment
We ask volunteers interested in the Uganda volunteer work to commit at least 4 weeks in order to ensure a worthwhile experience. But we accept volunteers from minimum of 2 weeks duration. We want every volunteer to feel that their time in Uganda was put to good use and that they had adequate time to make an impact. The preferred length of the trip for volunteers first visit is 4 weeks. Although we don’t strictly prohibit shorter stays, we do request that our volunteers are able to offer at least 4-8 weeks of voluntary services.

Occasionally, we will allow for the shorter stay than one month, but this is handled in a case-by-case basis. We accept local and international volunteers who are full of Enthusiasm and who enjoy working with people from different cultural background.
We accept local volunteers who can dedicate some hours every week to help us, but this case they must provide and arrange their own transport to the offices or project sites in Kyabuyorwa village.

We need people to help teach at the rural schools, to help with construction and cleaning workers, help at our agricultural farms, social works, psychologists, educators, specialists in IT, doctors, nurses
In summary, any one with good will and good disposition to help and work can be accepted into the program.
If you would like to volunteer with Village Trumpets Foundation in Uganda, our projects need volunteers who can bring new ideals, work with minimal supervision and have a positive, self- starting attitude.

We don’t need just only use young volunteers, but also older people with business skills and experience. We need those can sort book- work and apply for grants. Just as these projects try to help all members of the society, they need all ages of volunteers to help them function.
Our volunteer’s program in Uganda helps create sustainable development, education and Empowerment in rural Ugandan villages. The program provides a life changing opportunity for school and University leavers to spend a few months.

Currently, we are looking for help with the following.
1. Collecting visual media and contributing stories to our Blog
2. Building connections with like- minded organization from around the world.
3. Applying for relevant grants to support Village Trumpets Foundation projects.
4.Developing arts and crafts projects market
5. English lessons from computer training.
6.Teaching photography lessons.

Every Contribution Counts!
Everyday more people especially from the younger generation we call upon you to get involved in our exciting activities like the 1 hour against anti-poaching campaigns, conservation week or more of our projects in communities, schools.



  • Volunteering in Construction and Reforestation
  • Volunteering in medical outreach
  • Volunteering in Batwa orphanage
  • Volunteering program with women and girls
  • Volunteering in a local school

Volunteering in Batwa orphanage

The volunteer will help those children whose families have no resources or who have no family. They will be in the day-to-day life of these children, trying to meet their needs.




Minimum age: 18

Maximum age: None

Copy of CV required: No

Qualifications required: Certificate of criminal offences and basic English

Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by parents.

Adaptability, humility and respect for customs are required. It is also advisable to be proactive in creating workshops, etc.



The volunteer works with the women’s community to promote their development. They collaborate on their own land and also help them in teaching and developing new skills.



As a volunteer in volunteering in Uganda, you are very important for the development of the volunteer programmers. To participate in some of the volunteer projects in which we collaborate does not require you to be an expert or to have a specific specialty, only if you meet these requirements you can participate:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Willingness to collaborate in various activities
  • Be a participative and committed person
  • Good conduct and be respectful of the people you work with and the community.
  • You must be aware of the culture and customs of the country you are working in.
  • Ability to work in a team


The project is located in Butogota town, in the south west of the country, A few kilometers from Bwindi Impenetrable National park. It is a quiet, very safe village surrounded by valleys and mountains.



Once you fill in the form to the program, we will verify everything and confirm your place within 24 hours.


You pay the registration fee within 7 days, then your place will be guaranteed and you will be formally part of the family.


We send you the volunteer guide, compulsory insurances and the international volunteer agreement.



  • Volunteering in Orphanages
  • Volunteering in a local school
  • Volunteering in Construction and Reforestation


Minimum age: 18

Maximum age: None

Copy of CV required: No

Qualifications required: Certificate of criminal offences and basic English

Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by parents.

Adaptability, humility and respect for customs are required. It is also advisable to be proactive in creating workshops, etc.


The project aims to contribute to the academic development of the school in order to provide the best opportunity for orphans to receive a quality education. Volunteers support the local teachers, encourage the students and play with them. Always instilling a good study and learning dynamic.

We work with schools throughout kanungu district and the surrounding areas, the primary school we partner with is Nyamirama II primary school and kindergarten. Our volunteers help them with lesson plans, teaching, activities, and general interaction with the kids, Nyamirama II primary school is located in Kimbiremu village and is about 20 minutes’ walk from the Village Trumpets foundation office.

Our volunteers assist in doing arts and crafts, providing education supplies, we encourage our volunteers to come to Uganda with ideas for games and activities to do with kids, these kids are incredibly intelligent and a lot of fun to spend time with.

Most of the children we work with are Batwa children, disadvantaged and often struggle to pay school fees, if you would like to help see our sponsorship programs.


In Uganda volunteers participate in the volunteer teaching programme in kindergartens and primary schools (ages 4-17 years) to teach English and other subjects. Teaching experience is not required.

The education system in Uganda is mainly run by public schools, which have the same cost to the student as the few public schools found in the country. Although their lives have been hard, the children in the area are very cheerful and friendly and eager to learn. You will find that the children are very polite, friendly and have excellent behavior. Typical subjects taught include English, maths, science, social studies, art and physical education.

Your immersion in children’s education will not only bring a smile to their faces. It will also create a lasting and constructive future for each child, their family and Ugandan society as a whole.

School in Uganda lasts for three trimesters although the school terms may vary from year to year, but are roughly organized as follows: Term 1 – January to March, Term 2 – May to July, and Term 3 – September to November.

There are short breaks between these terms in the months of April, August and December, during which volunteers can take a break, travel, participate in tourist activities such as safaris, do tutoring (individual classes during the holidays), in particular for pupils with more difficulties, or participate in another programme, e.g., volunteers can help with teaching in the orphanages or in organized tutoring classes or summer school, with school maintenance, painting, decorating, etc.

Volunteers do not have to be qualified or experienced teachers. Volunteers simply need an open mind.


Open all year round, Monday to Friday, approximately 4 hours during the mornings. School hours for this volunteer programme are from 9.00 a.m. to 13.00 p.m.

In the school holiday periods, volunteers will participate in organised tutoring classes and summer school, or teaching the children at the orphanage.

Arrival and pick-up included on the following dates (every other Friday before 15 p.m.):

January: 6 and 20

February: 3 and 17

March: 3, 17 and 31

April: 7 and 21

May: 5 and 19

June: 2, 16 and 30

July: 7, 14, 21 and 28

August: 11 and 25

September: 8 and 22

October: 6 and 20

November: 3 and 17

December: 8, 15 and 29


Minimum age: 18

Maximum age: None

Copy of CV required: No

Qualifications required: Certificate of criminal offences and basic English level

Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by parents.

Adaptability, humility and respect for customs are required. It is also advisable to be proactive in creating workshops, etc.



Arts and crafts

Games and music

Day to day care


Sponsorship of a number of children

Provision of medical care to children

Assistance teaching


In this programme you can go from 2 weeks and it has a cost with the donation included:

Weeks(2)   Cost( 660€)

Additional           110€

Summer Volunteer – Uganda

Project Summary
US $3,700 for 4 weeks including 5 days/4 nights safari

View Detail Itinerary
Volunteer in Uganda, one of the most stunning countries in Africa referred as the pearl of Africa by Winston Churchill and full of natural wonders. From mountain Gorilla tracking in Bwindi Impenetrable forest and magnificent scenery to rich culture and incomparable wildlife, Uganda has everything in abundance. In this beautiful country, you can track the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat, spot the rare shoebill in the lake shores of Lake Victoria in the Mabamba swamp, visit the Batwa in their ancestral communities to learn about their culture, spot the incredible wildlife, admire the stunning valleys and explore beautiful villages and culture.
Village Trumpets Foundation Summer Volunteer and Adventure Program in Uganda is a great opportunity to taste the montage of East African wildlife, adventure

Orientation in Kampala (1 Day)

You will meet with Village Trumpets Foundation local staff members. Participate in a general Q & A session and review the program itinerary. Orientation also includes general orientation on history, culture, tradition and general issues (health, safety, etc.) and you will have time to explore nearby areas.

Service Projects – Work at the Foundation (22 Days)

During the next part of your Summer program, you work in a local school sharing your love and passion for Ugandan children whose lives are void of parental love/care. As a child volunteer in Uganda, you will teach English, organize games and other creative extra activities like singing, dancing, art, etc. In your free time, you can experience the rich Uganda culture, tradition and the day-to-day lifestyles of the local villagers. Volunteers have the chance to hike around their villages and explore Ugandan rural life.

Ugandan Safari (5 Days/4 Nights): Bwindi Impenetrable Forest & Queen Elizabeth National Park,

 (5 Days Gorillas, Chimpanzee & wildlife safari in Uganda)

With a full and satisfied heart, you depart the foundation, knowing that you have made a positive impact in the lives of the Batwa children, rural women and rural communities in Uganda. Now it’s time to relax as you embark upon an ultimate Ugandan safari!

From mountain Gorilla tracking to Chimpanzee tracking, you will encounter a multitude of animals – lions, leopards, hippo, buffaloes, hyenas, jackals, and a variety of antelopes and elephants in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

 The Bwindi impenetrable forest is world renowned for this distinct and amazing assortment of mountain gorilla tracking!

Mountain gorilla tracking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that offers the rare opportunity to encounter one of our closest relatives in their natural habitat. As you trek through the dense rainforest, guided by experienced trackers, the anticipation builds with every step. The lush greenery, misty atmosphere, and vibrant wildlife create an immersive setting.

Upon encountering a gorilla family, the experience is awe-inspiring. Observing these magnificent creatures up close, seeing them interact within their social groups, and witnessing their behaviors and expressions is truly humbling. The sheer size and power of the silverbacks, the nurturing care of the mothers, and the playful antics of the juveniles offer a glimpse into the complex and fascinating world of mountain gorillas.

It’s important to note that the experience is carefully regulated to minimize disturbance to the gorillas and ensure their well-being. Groups are limited in size, and strict guidelines are in place to maintain a respectful distance and limit the duration of visits.

Overall, mountain gorilla tracking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a profound and unforgettable adventure, leaving visitors with a deep appreciation for these incredible creatures and the importance of conservation efforts to protect their habitat.

You may witness the most spectacular adventure of the natural world while on safari!

Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park offers an unforgettable experience with its diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes. A game drive through the park allows you to encounter the Big Five and other fascinating animals like hippos, elephants, lions, and more in their natural habitat.

The boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel offers a unique perspective, allowing you to witness an abundance of wildlife along the shores, including crocodiles, buffaloes, and a variety of bird species. The calm waters and scenic views make it a peaceful yet exciting excursion.

Chimpanzee tracking in the Kyambura Gorge is another highlight of visiting Queen Elizabeth National Park. Trekking through the lush forest, you’ll have the chance to observe these intelligent primates in their natural habitat, along with other forest dwellers like monkeys and birds.

Exploring the crater lakes adds another dimension to your safari experience, as you marvel at the picturesque landscapes formed by ancient volcanic activity. These serene lakes provide a tranquil setting for relaxation and wildlife viewing, completing the diverse array of experiences available in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

It’s an impressive experience! You may also explore Murchison falls National Park and Lake Mburo, do white water rafting in Jinja, visit the source of the Nile during your safari outing.

Program itineraries are merely samples and may altered to meet the needs of the volunteers as well as field conditions. This itinerary will be finalized on the day you begin your Summer Volunteer and Adventure Program during orientation in Uganda.

Kindly fill in the form below to volunteer
